Just heard from Ashton... they are doing great and loving every minute of being in China!!! As expected, she is NOT ready to come home! They will be home on Friday, though. Be in prayer because there is a little bit of sickness going around. As of now, everyone is fine, but Hayne isn't feeling the best!
Well I am doing awful at keeping you all updated!! Gosh. So here is an update of Sunday and Monday while in Guangzhou (:
On Sunday we had the White Swan breakfast which put everyone in a happy place. haha. It was great to eat food that was good and you knew what it was. We went to a beautiful park on Sunday as well. It had so many pretty sights and things to see!!! I will miss that once coming home as many other things. I would love to stay here for a month or so. It is just great. I think No school makes it better. I loved everything about the park and Andrew and Anna Grace thought it was great too. (: It had birds and flowers everywhere, I LOVED seeing the palm trees which were so pretty I will take palm trees and Heat over Snow and Cold any day. The weather was also great. I think it was 70 degrees or so. So much better than the 20 degrees in Beijing. I am getting spoiled to this only to go back to the cold in SC. ha. After the park we went to a shop that had some really cool little things but they were way too expensive. A Silk Fan that I got for 10 yuan they wanted 480 yuan. Kind of crazy. After the shop we went back to the hotel and were able to go get lunch at Lucy's!!!! Yum (: I had a cheeseburger and french fries which tasted pretty good comparing to rice and mystery meats (: But when we had it today it wasn't so hot. I am missing the food in America (:
Today was a relaxed day for the most part. Andrew had his medical exam which he had to get 4 shots in and all kinds of scary things. Elvin was great though and talked all of the kids through it. He is great and I am so glad we have him as our guide. Once the parents and kids got back we went to Lucy's along with about everyone else in our travel group. It was tons of fun. Once finished my Dad, Mema, and Papa took Adam, Hayne, Annna Grace, and Andrew back to the room for some play and naps. My Mom, Kathleen, Mrs. Karen, and I went shopping. A Gift From China was our first stop and I loved it!! So much pretty stuff!! We got Anna Grace a doll and some art work. It was a great store. We left the hotel a 3:00pm for the Pedestrian Street. We got pearls and some other neat things. It was CROWDED. We saw tons of food that well, us picky Americans would not pay to eat ;) It was tons of fun and I am glad I got to experience it!! We had a pizza party in the hall way which was a lot of fun and got some energy out. We gave Elvin a Clemson Shirt and he put it on and took a picture with Andrew. It was so sweet! China is just getting better. (:
See you all {too} soon it seems but yet not soon enough.
I attached pictures from yesterday and today. Enjoy!!!!
Awww.... so sweet! I love seeing them together!
Adorable pictures!
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